Sunday, March 3, 2013

Turn 2

Let's begin Turn 2

Turn 2 -
1)  Move P.N. to South and flip to May Move side, V.P. to HQ and flip.

2)  Card #19 (Opponent Exploits Racial Incident for Political Gain) Drawn

3)  Place Opposing Presidential Nominee (O.P.N.) in South.  The side with die 1, 2, and 5 should be showing.  Place Opposing V.P. Nominee (O.V.P.) in West (side with die sides 1 and 4 showing).
    Move South marker down 1 box.  Move is automatic since marker is on Advertising side.  South now in danger of Fiasco.

    In Midwest, Defend.  No DRM's.  Die roll = 2, move down 1 box.  Marker is still in Campaign mode since roll was not a natural odd number.

    Place Scandal marker in West region.  Move marker one lower (NM). 

    In Border, Defend.  No DRM's.  Die roll = 6, which is an automatic success, for no effect.

    Move CF marker to $5 ($4 added).

4)  Pay $1, move V.P. to West, do Damage Control to remove Scandal marker and flip V.P. to Used side.

    Pay $1 to Advertise in the South.  No DRM, but with P.N. present he can go into Advertise mode.  Flip P.N. counter and roll 2 dice.  Dice rolls = 1 and 6. Using "6" roll, which is an automatic success.  Move marker up one box, to FL.

    Pay $1 to Change Mode in South to Campaign.

    Pay $1 to Change Mode in West to Campaign.

    CF marker is at $1, will save that for next turn.

5)  Scandal cleared, no effect.

The boards after Turn 2:

Introduction and Turn 1

This is the first entry in a tutorial for Victory Point Games "Swing States 2012 - The American Presidential Election Card Game".  I will be doing a blow for blow account of a recent game I played.  This way, you can follow along and see step by step how the game is played.  I've tried to cover all the concepts in the game, and because of this, there are things that I do that may not be the best move for the situation.  I did that to demonstrate certain concepts.  I'm pretty sure the game was played without error, but one or two may have slipped in.  If so, just go with it.  There are also rule references in case you want to look up a particular point.

The set up is for a generic Democratic candidate with the party Convention in the South.

The game is broken into five phases. 

1) Ready Phase
2) Headline Phase
3) Events Phase
4) Action Phase
5) Scandal Phase

For details, refer to the Player Aid Mat.

Turn 1 -
1)  Move Presidential Nominee (P.N.) to Campaign HQ, V.P. Nominee (V.P.) to Border region.  Make sure to flip both over to the non-Used side.

2)  Card #42 (Mining Accident Renews Coal Debate) drawn.

3)  Campaign (i.e., defense) in the Midwest (rule 9.1).  No Dice Roll Modifiers (DRM's).  Die roll = 6, which is an automatic success (rule 5.2).  Therefore, no effect.

    Place Scandal marker in West region and Defend.  -1 DRM for scandal.  Die roll = 3, modified to 2, which is a failure.  Move marker down one slot to Nevada. 

    Since a natural odd number was rolled, flip the marker to the "Advertising" side.

    Move Campaign Finance (CF) marker on Players Aid Mat to $4 (started at $2, added the $2 from the lower right corner of the card).

4)  Pay $1, move V.P. to West, do Damage Control to remove Scandal marker and flip V.P. to Used side.

    Pay $2 to do Fundraising, increase War Chest (W.C.) by one (to +1).

    CF marker is at $1, will save that for next turn.

5)  Scandal cleared, no effect.

Status at end of Turn 1: